An Instagram influencers party turns tragic as partygoers jump into a pool filled with dry ice

Tragedy struck at an Instagram influencers party in Moscow, Russia, as three people met their demise after jumping into a swimming pool filled with dry ice in an attempt to create a visual effect.

Tragedy struck at an Instagram influencer’s party in Moscow, Russia, as three people met their demise after jumping into a swimming pool filled with dry ice in an attempt to create a visual effect.

The influencer, Yekaterina Didenko, was celebrating her 29th birthday at an indoor pool complex. Partygoers poured 55lbs of dry ice into the pool in an ill-fated effort to create a visual spectacle.

However, the consequences were fatal, as the buildup of non-toxic frozen carbon dioxide in the pool’s low-ventilated space led to the displacement of oxygen, resulting in tragic outcomes.

As the partygoers unknowingly inhaled the carbon dioxide, symptoms such as rapid heart rate, clumsiness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma, and ultimately death set in, especially exacerbated by physical exertion.

A video capturing the unfortunate event circulated online, showing partygoers jumping into the toxic pool, including the influencer’s 32-year-old husband, Valentin Didenko.

The footage depicted the guests tipping a cooler of dry ice into the pool, creating a thick white vapor on the water’s surface, leading to oblivious partygoers leaping into the hazardous environment.

Didenko, a mother of two and qualified pharmacist known for sharing medicine-saving tips on Instagram, later informed her 1.5 million followers of her husband’s hospitalization.

Multiple partygoers were hospitalized, while three tragically succumbed to the consequences of the incident.

Subsequently, the Russian Investigative Committee initiated a criminal investigation into the matter.

Watch the video below.

