We all have known Bill Gates as the world's richest person, right? But today, we are going to know about his best friend, Paul Allen. He was the backbone of Microsoft Corporation, whom he co-founded with Gates and served as the distinct advisor for MSFT's strategic moves.
In addition to this, Allen was a founder of Vulcan Inc., a privately held company for his family's diverse business activities and philanthropic works. More upon this, he was a talented electric guitarist and author of Idea Man.
Did Microsoft Co-Founder, Paul Ever Exchange His Wedding Vows?
Apex Learning founder, Paul never married in his lifetime, but romantically involved with high-profile women. People often called him a bitter billionaire because of his secretive lifestyle. Likewise, HBO's Real Time host, Bill Maher never thought of marriage.
Paul's most highlighted relationship was with an American model, Jerry Hall, whom he invited on his yacht in the southern coastal region of France. They dated in the late-1990s until they split up their ways privately.

Following the breakup, Paul began dating a former world no. 1 tennis player, Monica Seles, who won 9 Grand Slam single titles. Nevertheless, they also broke up because of some misunderstandings.
What was the Cause of Paul Allen's Death?
Bill Gates' best friend, Paul Allen found out that he was diagnosed with State 1-A Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1982. But, he successfully cured the cancer with radiation therapy.
Allen later realized with non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer in 2009. Though Allen was a cancer patient, he kept focusing on making Microsoft more efficient and modern for public's use.
Unfortunately, cancer led him to the door of death and he took his last breath on 15th October 2018. His painful death was due to septic shock, which caused extreme muscle discomfort with unbearable pain. At the time of his demise, he was 65 years old.
In honor of Paul, his life long best friend, Gates gave a statement, saying;
"Paul loved life and those around him, and we all cherished him in return. He deserved much more time, but his contributions to the world of technology and philanthropy will live on for generations to come. We will miss him tremendously."
After the death of Allen, his sister, Jody Allen decided to take the responsibility of Paul Allen's real estate properties as an executor and trustee. She is now managing all the execution, tax authorities, and parties interested in Paul's projects under Vulcan, Inc.
How was Paul Allen's Friendship with His Microsoft Co-Founder, Bill Gates?
The Ethical Careers Guide author, Allen and his Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates were both friends since from their childhood days. They had their first meeting in school, Lakeside School in Washington. Later, they created a an unconditional true friendship.

Without the idea of the duo, personal computing would not be successful. Even when Allen discovered about cancer, Bill was there for him in the days of his treatment. Their friendship lasted until Allen took his last breath.
How Paul Got the Ladder of Success?
Young and talented Раul Аllеn dropped out with his best friend, Bill Gates to establish a рrоgrаmmіng lаnguаgе іntеrрrеtеr саllеd ВАЅІС in 1975. After the success of BASIC, they decided to start a technology corporation company, Місrоѕоft in Nеw Мехісо that became a global recognized brand merchandise.
The duo tеаmеd up wіth ІВМ tо сrеаtе a new models of ІВМ соmрutеrѕ in 1980. Later, Paul also a founded a personal beneficiary firm, Vulcan Іnс., which lеd hіm tо fоrm Vulcan Саріtаl, аn іnvеѕtmеnt capital for him.
Paul made іnvеѕtmеntѕ іn small соmраnіеѕ lіkе Аudіеnсе Іnс., Rеdfіn, аnd Dесіdе Corporation, which gave him a positive result. Moreover, he founded aerospace companies, Mojave Aerospace Ventures, Stratolaunch Systems. His other notable firms are Apex Learning, Allen Institute for Cell Science and Brian Science.
What Happened to Paul Allen's Billions of Net Worth After His Death?
5 feet 8 inches tall like Pierre Houde, Paul Allen was the 44th richest person in the world with a net worth of $20.3 Billion in 2018. Following his death, his total wealth was given to charity for the betterment of underprivileged communities.
Allen had 25% stakes at Microsoft Corporation while his fellow, Gates maintained 45%. During the first share trading of MSFT on 13th March 1986, his stakes worth $195 Million when the share price increased from $25.75 to $27.75.
Not just that, Paul owned NBA's Portland Trail Blazers, NFL's Seattle Seahawks and MLB's Seattle Sounders FC. He also invested $20 Billion into real estate, private equity and hydropower projects. His other paid sponsorships are with Uber, DreamWorks, Plains All America, and Ticketmaster.
Real Estate Portfolio of Allen
Chair and co-founder of Vulcan Inc., Allen initially bought waterfront property based on 10,000 square foot on Mercer Island of Seattle, Washington. According to public records, he owned 11 mansions, including a basketball court, swimming pool and gym hall.
One of Allen's real estate on Mercer Island is 3,000 square foot bungalow worth $5.4 Million. He initially purchased Allan Island of Washington in 1992. But, he sold out the island for $8 Million 2013.
Paul ran a five star luxurious mountain lodge, Teton Ridge Ranch after owning a sheep ranch in Tetonia, Idaho from 1993 to 2009. He also possessed his favorite Seattle movie theatre in late-2014.
Allen had expensive yachts including 303-foot Tatoosh, and 414-foot Octopus. His other expensive homes are based in London's Holland Park, and Villa Maryland of Côte d'Azur, St. Jean Cap-Ferrat.
Paul's other estates include The Enchanted Hill ($20 Million), Malibu's Carob Beach ($25 Million), and North California home ($27 Million). He also owned $7.5 Million worth historic 10-acre property and Manhattan's Upper East Side penthouse ($25 Million).
Philanthropy of Paul
Strategy advisor of Microsoft, Allen donated more than $2 Billion in development of science, technology, education, arts, wildlife conservation areas and community services. His foundation, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation helped over 1,500 non-profit organizations with $494 Million charity cash.
Back in 2014, Paul gave a $100 Million charity in the fight against the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. As an active art collector, he praised several arts non-profit community institutions with $100 Million. His biggest donation of $500 Million is for the Allen Institute for Brain Science.
Paul Allen's Parents & Siblings
Co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen was born on Paul Gardner Allen on 21st January 1953 in Seattle, Washington, USA. His father, Kenneth Sam Allen was a librarian and his mother, Edna Faye Allen was a school teacher.
Allen spent his childhood with his sister, Jody Allen, who is a prominent businesswoman, entrepreneur and philanthropist. She also served as a chief executive officer to Paul's investment and project management firm, Vulcan, Inc.
Education Qualifications of Allen
Jody Allen's brother, Paul attended an elite independent private school, Lakeside School. Following high school graduation, he enrolled at the University of Washington, where he learnt computer programming and research.
Allen, further, passed a standardized test for his college admission, SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) with a perfect score of 1600. Later, he got his admission at the Washington State University in 1972, where Ana Cabrera also studied.
During Allen's college tenure, he became a honorary member of the Phi Kappa Theta fraternity. He majored in Computer Science, but dropped out of college in 1974. He then went to serve as a programmer at Honeywell International Inc., based in Boston.
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