Kirk Arnold-Smith Obituary, Death Cause – I must break the news to you all with a sad heart that we have lost one of our own. On October 29, Kirk Arnold-Smith passed away after a lengthy fight with cancer. He was a member of the cast of the first performance of Pulp Shakespeare, which took place at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. When we were both involved in SCLT’s production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in 2007, he played the role of Bottom, and he was really entertaining in that role. It was then that I first met Kirk. Kirk possessed a kind and loving spirit.
A person who is considerate and kind. According to a letter that one of his friends and coworkers had written, “Kirk was and is an inspiration. He was a great artist and a Renaissance guy who lived his life to the fullest! He often stated that his goal was to beautify the world via the creation of art, which he achieved. Not only did he sing, but he also acted in plays and films, directed theater and opera, made art in a variety of genres, designed gorgeous gardens, and hosted music and art events. These are just some of the many things that he accomplished throughout his life.
Everything was exquisite, even the experience of eating a dinner that he had prepared. He was a MAN WHO LIVED!! His personality was enormous, and he exuded an incredible amount of joy for life while also making a significant contribution to the world’s beauty. He sacrificed a significant portion of himself! He was honest and spiritual, and he had a deep love for God, his family, and the church. Your friendship will be greatly missed.