Teresa Giudice plotted to reveal Melissa Gorgas stripper past at Posche fashion show

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Twitter fallout continues after the Posche Fashion Show Wednesday night during which some major drama went down! From what we can gather Teresa set up Melissa Gorga resulting in a bathroom confrontation and a lot of riled feathers.

Teresa Giudice allegedly invited a male stripper to accuse Melissa Gorga of being a stripper

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Twitter fallout continues after the Posche Fashion Show Wednesday night during which some major drama went down! From what we can gather Teresa “set up” Melissa Gorga resulting in a bathroom confrontation and a lot of riled feathers.

(Click here to catch up on what we know so far, including Jacqueline Laurita’s tweets from earlier today.)

(UPDATE – More revealed about Gorgagate, including Jacqueline’s role in releasing the Joe Giudice and mystery woman photo to Radar Online and what Jacqueline’s former manager at Lookers Gentlemen’s Club has to say about the whole thing!)

Adding to the confusion in trying to understand what happened is the fact that the Jersey ladies are in the middle of filming their reunion special, and as such were tied up most of the day yesterday, delaying their ability to respond on Twitter.

On a side note, how ridiculous is it that Bravo bumped up the filming of Season 4 (as we mentioned in a previous article, they started earlier than planned so as to not miss out on the unresolved tensions among the cast members – ie, Teresa and her family.) to before the Season 3 Reunion?!? So now everyone is up in arms about something they can’t even talk about at the reunion? They have to pretend to still be upset about things that happened months and months ago? Anyways…

After her marathon session recording the Reunion Special Teresa Giudice was finally able to respond to the all the hubbub surrounding the fashion show:

On my way home… Loooong day. Wow has Twitter gone crazy.

Wow have some people gone crazy… #sadforthem.

I don’t even wanna go there b/c I don’t fight on twitter not w/ fans, not haters, not w/ mean RTs & def not w/ a friend (ahem) or my family! But the rumors are getting ridiculous.

Let’s get this straight: I LOVE my WHOLE family. Would never do anything to hurt them. xx.

THIS is exactly why I didn’t want my family on the show–people come out of nowhere to try & hurt you. I don’t want my family hurt. Ever.

Breaks my heart that anyone would believe I would be part of something to hurt my family. Fame can mess with your mind. Family is forever.xx.

And for the record: I don’t believe MG was a stripper but I wouldn’t care anyway. (I have lots of ex-stripper friends… ahem…).

She’s the mother of my niece & nephews & part of my family. You’ll see how I defend her in S4. xx #lovemybrother #lovemyfamily

Sorry, it’s NOT true. But you’ll all have to turn in to Season 4 of RHONJ to see what really happens (the truth is actually way scarier…)

Remember when I was supposedly punched in the face? Now supposedly Jacq slapped me. And I hired a male stripper to expose Melissa… LMAO

You know Bravo loves it when bloggers make up crazy stories to get people excited about the show. Aren’t we exciting enough w/o the lies?

Pay particular note to her tweet “And for the record: I don’t believe MG was a stripper but I wouldn’t care anyway. (I have lots of ex-stripper friends… ahem…).” If Teresa had accused Melissa Gorga of being a stripper then it would explain this Twitter exchange between Melissa and husband Joe Gorga yesterday:

Melissa Gorga: Fact: I was never a stripper… But have nothing against them.

Joe Gorga: @melissagorga Im so disappointed of the news can u find out how to become one please!!!

This is purely speculation, albeit “educated” speculation, but I’m imagining Teresa found out something about Melissa’s past and went into the fashion show with her guns loaded. (Anyone else having Danielle Staub drama flashbacks?)

Melissa Gorga before she was one of The Real Hosuewives of New Jersey
^ Melissa Gorga “Before They Were Housewives” photo from Bravo

Lynn N Chicago from The “I Hate Jill Zarin” Blog says she “spoke with a Bravo insider this morning and got all the details, look for the whole ugly story on RumorFix sometime this afternoon.” So hang in there, we may have some clarity soon!

UPDATE! I didn’t even get to publish the post and we already have the scoop!

According to LynnNChicago via RumorFix.com Teresa Giudice and Kim DePaola invited a male stripper to attend the fashion show who would confront Melissa Gorga and claim she used to be a stripper. From RumorFix:

Teresa confronted Melissa in the ladies room pretending to be concerned and telling Melissa that she was worried about her because this man was telling everyone that he was a witness to Melissa’s stripping days. Melissa immediately saw right through Teresa’s game and an argument ensued then escalated when Teresa told Melissa that Danielle Staub was on her way to the Posche show to confront Melissa, this was another lie that Teresa made up to try to rattle Melissa. Melissa decided to call her husband.

I’m told that Teresa “Freaked Out” and panicked knowing that her brother was on his way and that he would not be happy with Teresa’s latest stunt. The young man that Teresa and Kim D hired to confront Melissa immediately bolted the Fashion Show as soon as he heard Joe Gorga was on his way, the husbands weren’t supposed to be part of the deal and he had no intention of being confronted by Joe G.

UPDATE 2 – Naughty But Nice Rob from HuffPost Celebrity has a slightly different spin with more juicy details about what went down at the Posche Fashion Show:

Bravo’s surprise at the fashion show was for Melissa: her ex-boss at Lookers, the strip club she used to work at. No one knew him, no one knew he was coming — although, of course Bravo had a microphone on him — and Melissa ran away from him and refused to film with him,” a witness at the taping tells me. “The producers made Teresa talk to him to ‘hear him out,’ so his accusations would be aired on camera, but Teresa stopped him mid-story and told him to not talk about her family and left.

So it was Bravo and not Teresa who set the whole thing up! (According to Rob’s source.)

Well, there you go! Oh, and while Teresa was at the show stirring up drama, her husband was photographed at a T.G.I. Fridays with a “woman who was NOT Teresa having a drink in a booth by the bar,” according to an eyewitness who shared a photo of the Joe and the mystery woman with RadarOnline.

“They were drinking martinis and when the woman finished hers she took a sip out of Joe’s glass too. They looked like they were having a good time together and laughing with each other.”

After a waiter brought them wet naps the woman opened hers and “wiped Joe’s hands off with hers,” Erin said. “It was really intimate to see her touching his hands like that.

“They looked very comfortable and cozy together.”

The woman was reportedly brunette and looked to be in her late 20s to early 30s. Lawd have mercy! It’s drama overload yet again in Jersey!

JOE’S “MISTRESS” UPDATE – Naughty But Nice Rob from HuffPost Celebrity has implied it was Jacqueline Laurita who “leaked” the photo of Joe and his mystery date after the broo-ha-ha at the fashion show went down! Rob also goes on to say the encounter was no surprise to Teresa and that the mystery woman was a family friend with a boyfriend. “The girl has a boyfriend, and I’m pretty sure Joe wouldn’t carry on a big affair at TGI Fridays in Clifton,” one of Teresa’s friends tells Rob.

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