Is Samoa Joe related to Roman Reigns? Exploring if they are family or not

Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns have had a history in WWE. Both superstars fought for the Universal Championship a few years ago, and the ground-breaking clash between the Samoans was a classic. Yet, the match wasn't dubbed as family vs. family, and rightly so because of their distinct lineage.

Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns have had a history in WWE. Both superstars fought for the Universal Championship a few years ago, and the ground-breaking clash between the Samoans was a classic. Yet, the match wasn't dubbed as family vs. family, and rightly so because of their distinct lineage.

Roman Reigns' Bloodline has experienced rapid growth in popularity over the past few years. The faction, based on Reigns' real-life blood connections, has multiple options on hand despite boasting four members.

Tamina Snuka, The Rock, and Naomi are often linked to The Bloodline, and so was Samoa Joe back when he was in the Stamford-based promotion.

Former WWE Superstar Samoa Joe is not related to Roman Reigns. Both hail from Samoan descent but come from different families. Roman hails from the Anoa'i family tree, which was started by Amituana Anoa'i and Leoso Ripley. Meanwhile, Joe comes from the Seanoa lineage.

Samoa Joe is one of the few wrestlers who isn't associated with the Maivia or Anoa'i. Thus, a running joke on social media has always been: there’s all of the Anoa’i on one side of Samoa, and then there’s Joe. Nonetheless, the 43-year-old did claim that he was always welcomed by the Anoai's.

The Samoan Submission Machine wrestled in WWE for over seven years after leaving a mark on IMPACT Wrestling and Ring of Honor. The two-time United States Champion was released in January 2022 after a long battle with Covid-19. The company termed it to be on injury grounds, though.

What did Samoa Joe say about joining Roman Reigns in The Bloodline?

2020 was the time of The Tribal Chief. Roman Reigns had an exceptional record that year, having pulverized Goldberg and Braun Strowman and eventually laying down the foundations of The Bloodline by battling Jey Uso. The stable was making waves on the roster, but one superstar wanted to stand out from the flock.

During an interview with Alex McCarthy of TalkSPORT, Samoa Joe reflected on The Bloodline's storyline and gave his thoughts on joining the faction. He thought it would be "weird" to mix with people with whom he shared a cultural heritage but didn't know much about.

"There’s always these thoughts, but yeah, I don’t think there really were [any other plans]. I think the same thing could be said for The Usos, we definitely probably could gel and it would work out well, but at the same time, we’re all real individual personalities and I’d hate to be grouped with a bunch of people just because we share the same cultural heritage. That’s weird, in this day and age." (H/T Fightful)

Samoa Joe recently broke character to heap praise on Roman Reigns and the members of his faction for their segment at the Royal Rumble Premium Live Event. He termed them better than their forefathers and adored their brotherly bond.

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