Netflix’s Brazilian romantic film ‘Rich in Love’ revolves around the endearing saga of Teto and Paula, who nurtures an appealing togetherness despite the differences they have as individuals. A sequel to the 2020 film, ‘Rich in Love 2’ follows another intricate chapter of Teto and Paula’s relationship as Paula leaves for the Amazon to serve the indigenous communities residing in the region as a doctor. The film progresses through Teto’s efforts to reunite with her after her departure.
‘Rich in Love 2’ received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences alike but managed to garner praises for the wholesome moments it offers featuring Danilo Mesquita’s Teto and Giovanna Lancellotti’s Paula. The film, directed by Bruno Garotti, ends with the couple making a major decision concerning the fate of their relationship. Since their saga has immense scope for a third film to materialize, the viewers must be wondering whether ‘Rich in Love 3’ will get made. Let us share our take on the same!
Will Rich in Love 3 Happen?
‘Rich in Love 2’ released globally on June 2, 2023, on Netflix. As far as the prospects of the third movie of the film series are concerned, here’s what we can share about the same.
As of now, neither Netflix nor the producers of the film released a statement concerning ‘Rich in Love 3.’ However, ‘Rich in Love 2’ ends with ample scope for a third film to materialize. Towards the end of the film, Teto continues to live among indigenous communities to learn the nuances of life without bothering Paula. The doctor, on the other hand, becomes impressed with the dedication and commitment Teto has been displaying to become a better version of himself. She decides to reunite with him since she is convinced that he is not a spoiled rich brat, who thinks that he can get done anything he wants, anymore.
In the potential third film, director Bruno Garotti can test the strength of Teto and Paula’s togetherness, especially after the changes Teto has brought to his life. He will get opportunities to put the lessons he learned from the people of the indigenous communities to practice. We may see Paula leaving him again for her next mission as a doctor, testing Teto’s patience and tolerance. Teto may get forced to understand his partner well enough so that he will be able to support her despite her possible decision to work away from him.
If the third film materializes, we may see Dr. Tawan becoming an unignorable presence in Paula and Teto’s lives. In the second film of the series, he shares a kiss with Paula. Although the latter is convinced that they cannot be together, she reveals that they would have become a perfect match. Since Tawan plays an integral role in bringing down Everaldo to save indigenous communities, Paula may start to like and respect him more. If they continue to share their time together, their feelings for each other may become strong, threatening her relationship with Teto. We may see how the latter deals with the same in the potential third film.
The success of ‘After’ and ‘To All the Boys’ franchises have made it clear that Netflix is very open to developing romantic film series. If the viewership, along with several other factors, of ‘Rich in Love 2’ impresses the executives of the streaming platform, it will not be a surprise if Netflix greenlights the third film of the ‘Rich in Love’ film series. If that’s the case, we can expect ‘Rich in Love 3’ to release .