Unfortunately, there is no way to save Eli in Far Cry 5. If you choose not to kill him, the clock will eventually run down and trigger a game over.
Is Faith alive in Far Cry 5?
While Faith is technically dead, her disembodied voice can be heard weakly stating “And if you don’t listen to him, he’ll be right.” Her body releases a stream of Bliss that flies into a Bliss flower, which the Deputy picks.
How do you get the secret ending in Far Cry 5?
To unlock the secret ending, players must continue sitting at Min’s table for an extended period of time and ignore the mission prompt to explore the mansion. This will trigger the secret ending, providing a unique commentary on video game design and player choice.
Can you avoid being captured in Far Cry 5?
No, it is not possible to avoid being captured in Far Cry 5. If you encounter a Bliss bullet in Holland Valley, you will be captured, and the game will progress.
How does Jacob Seed brainwash you?
Jacob Seed uses a method of conditioning, known as basic classical conditioning, with the assistance of a drug. He plays the song “Only You” by The Platters to put his subjects into murderous rages or trances.
What happens if you don’t kill Eli in Far Cry 5?
If you choose not to shoot Eli, the clock will run down to zero, resulting in a game over.
What happens if you don’t shoot Eli in Far Cry?
If you choose not to shoot Eli, the clock will run down to zero, triggering a game over.
What happens if you walk away from Jacob Seed in Far Cry 5?
If you decide to walk away from Jacob Seed, he will let you and your fellow deputies go without a fight.
Can you save the sheriff in Far Cry 5?
To save the sheriff in Far Cry 5, you must shut down the production by following the objective markers and turning off the marked valves. Once you escape the bunker, the sheriff will be saved and a trophy/achievement will unlock.
Can you lose Boomer in Far Cry 5?
If Boomer “dies” in Far Cry 5, he will disappear and go on a 10-minute cooldown before you can recruit him again.
What happens if you beat Far Cry 5 on infamous difficulty?
If you complete Far Cry 5 on infamous difficulty, you will be rewarded with the Rook outfit, a unique uniform for your character to equip.
Is it better to resist or walk away in Far Cry 5?
If you choose to resist in Far Cry 5, the nukes will fall and you will be captured by Joseph in Dutch’s bunker. If you choose to walk away, you and your fellow deputies will plan to go to Missoula to call the National Guard.
Where is the Pennywise Easter egg in Far Cry 5?
The Pennywise Easter egg in Far Cry 5 can be found east from the crop circle in John’s region. There is a sewer pipe with a red balloon floating in front of it, leading to an underground area.
Is Far Cry 5 connected to New Dawn?
Yes, Far Cry 5 is connected to New Dawn as a spinoff and sequel. It is the twelfth installment in the Far Cry series.
Is Faith Seed a liar?
Faith Seed is known to be a manipulator and a liar. She will say anything to sway sympathy for her cause, including resorting to violence.
Is Faith Seed evil?
Faith Seed is one of the secondary antagonists in Far Cry 5 and is portrayed as evil. She is the herald of the Henbane River region and has a manipulative and abusive personality.
Did Joseph Seed abuse Faith?
According to the information available, it is stated that Joseph Seed took Faith when she was 17 and manipulated, drugged, threatened, and abused her into becoming his “sister.” He is described as having groomed and gaslighted her.
Does Peaches survive in Far Cry 5?
Peaches most likely died in Far Cry 5. She does not survive the nuclear fallout and is presumed to have succumbed to radiation sickness.
Where is Boomer’s grave in Far Cry 5?
Boomer’s grave can be found behind the FANG Center, a church. There is a tunnel located behind the center that leads underground. At the back of the tunnel, there is a large coffin with a giant piece of concrete covering it, representing Boomer’s grave.
Should you sell all loot in Far Cry 5?
It is recommended to sell all loot in Far Cry 5 as there is no reason to keep it. Maps and magazines can be sold for $180 each, and most fish can be sold for $100 each (sturgeon can be sold for $150).
Can you save Diego in Far Cry 6?
No, you cannot save Diego in Far Cry 6. In the game’s true ending, Anton decides to kill Diego in order to free him from the consequences of the rebels’ victory.
Can you spare Sabal in Far Cry 4?
Yes, in Far Cry 4, players have the option to spare Sabal. If you choose to spare him, he will tell you to go and pick up a Kukri before he walks away.
Can you destroy Joseph Seed’s statue in Far Cry?
Yes, you can destroy Joseph Seed’s statue in Far Cry by shooting the main body on three sides and both arms. Additional rocket launcher ammunition can be found on the cliffside under a book. Once the statue is destroyed, you can climb to the top.
Who survived the nuke in Far Cry 5?
The only confirmed survivors of the nuclear explosion in Far Cry 5 are Nick, Kim Rye, and their daughter Carmina. Other characters like Hurk, Sharkey, Grace Armstrong (blinded by the nuclear fallout), and Pastor Jerome also manage to survive.