Toya Wright takes a moment to pray for acceptance as she commemorates her brothers' death anniversary. Joshua and Rudy Johnson had been shot to death two years ago. Their killer was arrested months later and yet Toya still evidently grieves their loss.
It’s been two years since Toya Wright mourned the tragic death of her brothers who were shot to death inside their car. And on her Instagram to commemorate their demise, Toya appeared to still be grieving as she prays for acceptance in her caption.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things i can,and the wisdom to know the difference.”
The reality star accompanied her caption with a photo of her late brothers, Joshua and Ryan Johnson and added the hashtags ‘#itsbeentwoyears #JusticeforRudyandJosh #imissmybrothers #rudyandjoshforever.”
It was a sad day in July 2016 when Toya received the tragic news that her brothers Ryan, also known as Rudy, 24, and Joshua, nicknamed “Fish”, 31 were discovered dead inside a car in New Orleans. At the time the suspects who killed the brothers with multiple gunshot wounds were at large.
Toya was at a party when she got the call from her sister-in-law who broke the news to her. Describing it as “the worst news ever,” Toya realized stories like this often happened but became larger than life when it hits close to home.
In March 2017, Toya felt a sense of relief when her brothers’ killer was finally arrested. The suspect identified as Antoine Edwards was taken into custody after police were tipped off that a man named “Toine” or “Tweezy” was responsible for the murders. Edwards reportedly admitted to one person that he committed the crime.
Toya was grateful for the arrest and told TMZ,
“All we want is justice for my brothers .. We thank everyone for their prayers and support."
Toya just recently welcomed a baby girl with her husband Robert Rushing. Reign Ryan was born in February and joins her sister, Reginae Carter, Toya’s daughter with her ex, Lil Wayne.