Congratulations to Dule Hill and his wife, Jazmyn Simon, on the arrival of their son, Levi Dule Hill. The celebrity dad confirmed the news exclusively to PEOPLE. Keep going to see the pics! We are sleep deprived, Duleactor said. Especially Mom, who is breastfeeding, he added. But we are so in love and full of

Congratulations to Dule Hill and his wife, Jazmyn Simon, on the arrival of their son, Levi Dule Hill. The celebrity dad confirmed the news exclusively to PEOPLE. Keep going to see the pics!

“We are sleep deprived,” Dule actor said. “Especially Mom, who is breastfeeding,” he added. “But we are so in love and full of gratitude and awe of this miraculous moment in time.”

Levi Hill was born on May 10, 2019. He weighed a healthy 7 lbs., 10 oz., at birth.

“The baby was breech, so we had a [cesarean] section,” Dule said of his wife’s labor and delivery experience. “Right before Levi was born, our doctor said, ‘In 15 seconds, you’re going to meet your son.’ And we did. And instantly, our hearts doubled in size.”

Levi joins big sister Kennedy, 14, at home. The Hills announced the expectancy of their son back in January. “Soooo, we’ve been keeping a secret,” Dule shared with his Instagram fans. “The Littlest Hill is coming soon. #ItsABoy,” he wrote. The actor also uploaded a picture of his wife showing off her bump.

“Every time we blink, he seems to change,” Dule told PEOPLE of his newborn son. “We smile and cry a lot, realizing how desperately we needed someone we had never met.”

Dule Hill has high hopes for his son in the coming years, but he is not looking too far into the future. “With a 14-year-old, we realize how fast time goes,” the actor shared. “We are just taking in each moment as they come. Oh, and we are looking forward to him learning to tap dance. Obviously!”

Stay tuned for more celebrity family news!


