The constant rising of the sun day after day is mankinds focal point to awakening. Throughout the history of man, God has given us all the gift of His bright star, to warm us, and awaken our heart and mind to our noble birthright. As His gentle sun touches all, past and present, a mass effect awakens all who are honest enough with themselves to see. Whether in dreams or in the daily mortal struggle, we are all united across continents and periods of history. Let one mans awakening be linked to another, in a timeless chain. Then He can be there, as if the sun were stopped in its endless cycle and stood still. Only the Master of time can overrule time, and touch us all in an instant, a mass awakening. To experience it leaves us with no doubt, we are connected. Even when our mortal time is over, the awakening continues, He will forever be with us. At times we have rejected Him, but when we remember our longing for His contact, our soul is touched again. He never left, He was all the time standing right there, ready to light another awakening.