The Big Ten has officially confirmed that the NCAA has launched an investigation into alleged "sign-stealing" by the Michigan football program. The investigation is focused on accusations of improper in-person scouting of both opponents and potential future opponents.
“Late Wednesday afternoon, the Big Ten Conference and the University of Michigan were notified by the NCAA that the NCAA is investigating allegations of sign stealing by the University of Michigan football program,” the Big Ten said in a statement released on Thursday.Notably, the NCAA has banned in-person scouting of opponents in college football since 1994. The allegation currently being investigated by the NCAA accused the Wolverines of dispatching personnel to games with the aim of obtaining play signals from future opponents.

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Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh has strongly denied any awareness or participation in any scheme to pilfer opponents' play-calling signals, which involves sending representatives to their games. He has expressed his full commitment to cooperating with the NCAA investigation.
"I do not have any knowledge or information regarding the University of Michigan football program illegally stealing signals, nor have I directed any staff member or others to participate in an off-campus scouting assignment," Harbaugh said in a statement.The NCAA has said that it will not comment on the case until further notice. The entire situation has led to online banter among Michigan and rival fans. Here are 10 of the best Michigan signal-stealing memes.
#1 What's the need?
The belief among many fans of the Wolverines is that the allegation is baseless as the signals of their opponents so far haven't been worth stealing.
#2 The laughable evidence?
While the full details of the investigation weren't disclosed, Michigan fans can't deal with evidence of signal stealing circulating online.
#3 Michigan stealing the show
Despite Ohio State playing against Penn State in a top-10 matchup on Saturday, Michigan is on the lips of everyone.
#4 All the signs are there
The memes don't get more creative.
#5 Michigan fans can't see the need for sign stealing
The fans can't find the need to steal signals from their opponents.
#6 Hefty fine ahead for the Wolverines
The Wolverines face the possibility of a recruitment ban while Jim Harbaugh could also face some penalties.
#7 Michigan State already has an excuse
Michigan plays Michigan State on Saturday, and it appears that the Spartans have something to blame for a potential loss.
#8 The Spartans are complaining already
Going into the game with a 2-4 record and backroom uncertainties, Michigan State can believe they have no chance with their signals already stolen.
#9 How the secret scouts operate
One fan couldn't but describe how Michigan's scouts operate while allegedly stealing opponents' signals.
#10 The fans don't care
The goal is to win; the fans don't care how.
Notably, Michigan and Jim Harbaugh are under investigation for an alleged level I violation during the COVID-19 period. Harbaugh served a self-imposed three-game suspension at the beginning of the season.
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