Ms. Chew Jia Tian Died, A Bad Day of kayaking off the coast of Sentosa

The Singapore community is in mourning following the tragic loss of Ms. Chew Jia Tian, a former nursing student at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), an entrepreneur, and an avid kayaker. Ms. Chews life was tragically cut short in a kayaking incident off the coast of Sentosa.

The Singapore community is in mourning following the tragic loss of Ms. Chew Jia Tian, a former nursing student at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), an entrepreneur, and an avid kayaker. Ms. Chew’s life was tragically cut short in a kayaking incident off the coast of Sentosa.

A Life of Dedication and Service

Ms. Chew Jia Tian was known for her soft-spoken demeanor, politeness, and hard work. She earned her degree in nursing from SIT in 2016, where she left an indelible mark on her professors and fellow students. Associate Professor Elaine Siow, programme leader for the SIT nursing, health and social sciences cluster, described Ms. Chew as an inspiration to the SIT community.

Beyond her studies, Ms. Chew remained active in alumni activities, further demonstrating her commitment to the institution that shaped her professional journey. Her loss has deeply saddened the SIT community, with Prof Siow expressing her condolences to Ms. Chew’s family and friends.

An Entrepreneur with a Heart

Ms. Chew’s dedication extended beyond her nursing career. In 2014, she founded Rough Beauty, a boutique specializing in natural, handcrafted bath and body products. This venture was born out of her understanding, as a former nurse, of the need for skin care products that would not dry out the skin due to frequent washing.

She went to Malaysia to learn soap-making after a friend encouraged her, and that same year, she started Rough Beauty. Her business was not only a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit but also a reflection of her desire to serve others.

Compassion in Action

Ms. Chew’s compassion was not confined to her professional life; it was a fundamental part of who she was. She was an avid cat lover and a generous supporter of Toa Payoh North Cats, a project dedicated to feeding stray cats. Ms. Chew made significant donations and even raised more funds by selling her handmade soaps.

Remembering Ms. Chew

Friends remember Ms. Chew as a humble, helpful, and kind individual. Nurse Miaw Jen, who studied nursing with Ms. Chew at Nanyang Polytechnic and later worked with her at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, fondly recalls her willingness to go the extra mile to help others. Even after they no longer worked together, they remained close friends.

Mr. Sim Cher Huey, founder of tour operator Kayakasia, and a friend of Ms. Chew, described her as a wildflower – always eager, full of dreams, and with so much to look forward to. Her untimely death has left many in shock and sadness.

Ms. Chew Jia Tian’s life was a testament to her dedication, compassion, and entrepreneurial spirit. Her tragic passing serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. As we mourn her loss, we also celebrate the remarkable woman she was and the indelible impact she had on those around her. Our deepest condolences go out to Ms. Chew’s family and friends during this difficult time.

