Reverse: 1999's combat system has a familiar "rock-paper-scissors" combat mechanic based on each character's type or element. This system determines whether one type is stronger or weaker against the other. In this guide, we will discuss this system in detail, as well as the definition of each character stat.

Reverse: 1999 - Afflatus and Character Stats Guide
Afflatus is basically the game's terminology for different elements that you normally see in RPGs (fire, water, wind, etc). The game has six Afflatus types in Reverse: 1999. As you can see in the diagram below, the four main ones form the "wheel" where one afflatus is strong over the other and weak against another. The other two afflatus are just plain effective against each other. The stronger afflatus will deal 30% more damage against the weaker one. The damage from the same, unrelated or weaker afflatus will be the same. (The weaker afflatus won't suffer any damage penalty)

Afflatus are innate to each character and can't be modified in any way.This is why it's worth building several characters from different Afflatus types to ensure that you have a combat-ready party to help you clear story stages and some game modes. Before starting a battle, the stage will sometimes display the recommended afflatus types. The tags "Stronger" or "Weaker" will be available at the bottom of the characters' portraits in the stage preparation screen.

Character Stats
There are various factors that affect your characters' individual stats. We have the base stats that increase as they level up then further complemented by other effects like equipped Psychubes, Insight Levels, Resonate ideas, and Portray levels.
We will list down the definitions of each character stat below. To view the character's stats, you can tap the Personal Stats section in the character's profile screen.

- HP: Health Points, if it gets reduced to zero, the character is knocked out.
- ATK: Affects the character's damage output. Also affects incantations that get scaled off of it.
- Reality DEF: Defense against sources that deal Reality DMG.
- Mental DEF: Defense against sources that deal Mental DMG.
- Critical Technique: Value that provides bonuses to Crit Rate and Crit DMG stats.
- Critical Rate: Increases the chance to score a critical hit and chance to trigger a crit when using heals. (Includes the bonus provided by the Critical Technique stat)
- Critical DMG: Increases the DMG dealt by the critical hit. It also increases the amount of HP healed by a critical direct heal (this increment wears off). This stat also includes the bonus provided by the Critical Technique stat.
- Critical Resist Rate: Reduces the chance of critical hits taken.
- Critical DEF: Reduces the amount of DMG received from critical hits.
- DMG Bonus: Increases the amount of DMG dealt when attacking.
- DMG Reduction: Reduces the DMG taken when the character gets hit.
- Incantation Might: Increases the DMG of normal incantations.
- Ultimate Might: Increases DMG Dealt by Ultimate incantations.
- DMG Heal: At the start of the round, restores HP based on the DMG Taken last round.
- Leech Rate: After attacking, part of the DMG will be converted to the character's own HP.
- Healing Done: Increases Healing Done.
- Penetration Rate: When dealing DMG, ignore the enemy's Reality DEF and Mental DEF.