Round 3, Match 13: #3 Triple H vs. #14 Andre the Giant

By those standards, the final four in this thing would be HHH, Angle, Jeff Hardy, and John Cena. Does that sound right to you? This tournement is for the all time best, and Andre far eclipses HHH in my opinion. They wrestled at two completely different time, so I can see why people would go

By those standards, the final four in this thing would be HHH, Angle, Jeff Hardy, and John Cena. Does that sound right to you?

That doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense. How does the fact that Andre WAS good before the 80s came around translate into John Cena, Angle, and Hardy being the final four? What part of your ass exactly did you pull that random idea from?

This tournement is for the all time best, and Andre far eclipses HHH in my opinion. They wrestled at two completely different time, so I can see why people would go HHH. Its hard to compare them. I really don't see why you think this should be a landslide.

How does Andre far eclipse Triple H? Andre is so overrated it's ridiculious. He was a decent wrestler, I repeat, DECENT. He was huge, which is what gets him over still to this day. Nobody had seen a wrestler that big, and everyone thought he was unstoppable.

Please, I beg you, name me a single good Andre match. Seriously. Find me an entertaining and well-wrestled match involving Andre the Giant. You can't. Because he didn't have them. Ever. He was agile in his early days which gave the appearance of him being a good wrestler, but his arsenal never comprised anything more then variations of kicks and punches, and a few different body slams and suplexes. Oh and at one time he was able to do a dropkick.

And what did Andre the Giant ever accomplish in his career? He won the WWF Title, and held it for all of 30 seconds before selling it off to Ted DiBiase, making both him and the belt look like total crap in the process (who thought this was a good idea?).

Triple H on the other hand, has accomplished more then just about anyone. He's got more experience in the main event, and he's taken down giants pleny of times. He was able to easily defeat the Big Show many times, and the Big Show is only a fraction smaller then Andre was. Triple H can win in any type of environment, and has shown he has. He'd easily take Andre IMO, and if Andre has still lived and wrestled to see Triple H's rise to the top, he would've been jobbing out to him as well.

Triple H is better in every way and has every advantage except for the power/size advantage. Triple H takes this one in about 12 minutes.

But look at the history of Andre's losses. How many matches did he even lose? He was beaten by Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 3, that's about it.

Andre actually lost many times in his career. Summerslam 1988, Wrestlemania 3 (obviously) Wrestlemania 5, Wrestlemania 6, to Antonio Inoki in Japan, to El Canek in Mexico, Survivor Series 1988 he got eliminated, Summerslam 1989, should I continue? The WWE's kayfabe "undefeated" streak was bullshit.

Not to mention this is in Connecticut, in the WWF. Advantage: Triple H. No way would Andre get booked to go over in this match. No way.

