24 hours after the viral roasting of radio host Wanda Smith courtesy of Emmy Award-winning funnyman Katt Williams during Friday’s Frank & Wanda Morning Show on Atlanta’s V103, the comedian was confronted by Smith’s (strapped) husband following a comedy show.
Evidently not amused by the footage, which quickly smashed well over a million views, LaMorris Sellers — with his son and wife in tow — engaged in a verbal confrontation with the 47-year-old comedian at Atlanta Comedy Theater in Norcross, Georgia. According to a report Williams gave to police, Sellers pulled a gun on him and pointed it in his face.
When Gwinnett County Police caught up with Sellers, he admitted that he did have a gun — and that it did fall from his waistband while he was chasing Williams to a nearby Food Depot. However, he denied pointing it at Williams during the altercation.
Security footage from Atlanta Comedy Theater reportedly shows an altercation, but not a gun. Police are still asking for any witnesses to come forward. Williams has said he doesn’t plan on pressing charges.
The wrath of Williams was unleashed on Smith after the host stood up for Tiffany Haddish, who Williams heavily criticised during his interview.
“[Haddish has] been doing comedy since she was 16. You can’t tell me your favorite Tiffany Haddish joke … she has not proven the ability to tell jokes, back to back for an hour,” Williams said, also adding that she’s an ‘it girl’ because of her desire to sleep with white men.
Haddish has since responded via Twitter, noting: “It’s official I made it! [Katt Williams] talked about me and didn’t have his facts right!”
It’s official I made it!@KattPackAllDay talked about me and didn’t have his facts right! #Iwin#sheready I look forward to seeing you on Monday Katt, when we pick up our Emmys. I just want to shower you with REAL Love cause you need it, and I Love you ? https://t.co/WVOgZvwLZn
— Tiffany Haddish (@TiffanyHaddish) September 14, 2018
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