clayton kershaw mom and marianne tombaugh obituary

Marianne Tombaugh, the mother of Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw, passed away on Saturday. The news was shared by Ellen Kershaw, the pitcher's wife, during the dedication of a refurbished youth baseball field in Inglewood, California, that Kershaw's charity foundation supported. The cause of death and Marianne's age were not immediately disclosed.

Marianne Tombaugh, the mother of Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw, passed away on Saturday. The news was shared by Ellen Kershaw, the pitcher's wife, during the dedication of a refurbished youth baseball field in Inglewood, California, that Kershaw's charity foundation supported. The cause of death and Marianne's age were not immediately disclosed.

Kershaw was raised by his mother in suburban Dallas after his parents' divorce when he was 10. His father, Christopher Kershaw, passed away in 2013. Marianne Tombaugh played a crucial role in Clayton's love for baseball. Ellen Kershaw praised her mother-in-law for cultivating the love of the game in her son. She went out of her way to ensure that Clayton made it to his baseball practices and games. She would sit in the front row to cheer him on and keep score in a book to keep her nerves at bay.

In this article, we will explore Marianne Tombaugh's life and legacy, Clayton Kershaw's relationship with his mother, and the impact of her passing on the Kershaw family.

Marianne Tombaugh: A Life of Love and Sacrifice

Marianne Tombaugh was born in Texas and spent most of her life there. She was a devoted mother to Clayton and his younger brother, Christopher, who is also a baseball player. Marianne's passion for baseball was evident in her support for her sons' love for the game. She encouraged them to pursue their dreams and was always there to cheer them on.

Marianne's life was one of sacrifice. After her divorce, she raised her two sons as a single mother, working hard to make ends meet. Despite the challenges, she always made sure that her sons had everything they needed. She was the driving force behind Clayton's love for baseball, going above and beyond to support him and nurture his talent.

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Clayton Kershaw and his Mother

Clayton Kershaw's relationship with his mother was a special one. Marianne was his biggest supporter and his confidant. She was always there to offer him advice and guidance. When Clayton was growing up, Marianne would take him to baseball games and practices, driving him to wherever he needed to be.

Marianne's influence on Clayton's life was significant. She instilled in him a strong work ethic and a sense of determination that he carries with him to this day. She was a constant presence in his life, providing him with a sense of stability and support.

The Impact of Marianne Tombaugh's Passing

Marianne Tombaugh's passing has left a significant impact on Clayton Kershaw and his family. Losing a parent is never easy, and the pain is felt deeply. The Kershaw family is mourning the loss of a beloved mother, grandmother, and wife.

Despite the grief, the Kershaws are finding comfort in the memories of Marianne's life. They are remembering her as a loving mother who went above and beyond for her family. Her legacy lives on through Clayton, Christopher, and their families.

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Clayton Kershaw: A Philanthropist and a Ballplayer

Clayton Kershaw is known not only for his accomplishments on the baseball field but also for his philanthropic work. He and his wife, Ellen, founded the Kershaw's Challenge charity in 2011, which supports various causes, including education, health care, and disaster relief.

Kershaw's philanthropy is an extension of the values instilled in him by his mother. Marianne taught Clayton the importance of giving back, and he has carried

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