Photo Of AEW Dynamites Seat Filler Waiting Area Goes Viral

AEW has a lot of things going on behind the scenes, and some things operate in the shadows to make sure that fans have the best viewing experience possible at home. There is a reason why AEW, and WWE for that matter, dont show a lot of empty seats on television, because they keep people

AEW has a lot of things going on behind the scenes, and some things operate in the shadows to make sure that fans have the best viewing experience possible at home. There is a reason why AEW, and WWE for that matter, don’t show a lot of empty seats on television, because they keep people on hand to fill them.

Click here for our complete coverage of AEW Dynamite this week.

A photo has gone viral from this week’s AEW Dynamite. This photo shows a sign in the arena that said “Seat Filler Waiting Area.” Obviously, this sign turned some heads.

Pro wrestling companies will often hire local people to come in and play the role of seat fillers for the night. Those people are paid to stay around the event, and if production notices an empty seat in the camera view, then they call someone down to sit in that seat.

Although this practice is used in both WWE and AEW, a photo from this week’s Dynamite in Austin, Texas showed off the sign for where the seat fillers congregated this week. Naturally, this drew a lot of comments.

AEW wants to make it look like they have a house full of excited fans all night. Sometimes that requires them to pay people to come down and take a seat to help pull that off. It still made for quite a viral photo.

What’s your take on AEW hiring seat fillers for their events? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

